We want to inspire a generation of young and unique individuals to embrace the amazing sport of sailing and have them experience a great adventure today and for the rest of their lives. Since the first series in 1995 United 4 have become a major force in promoting youth sailing. Class Organizations have chosen these […]
We want to inspire a generation of young and unique individuals to embrace the amazing sport of sailing and have them experience a great adventure today and for the rest of their lives. Since the first series in 1995 United 4 have become a major force in promoting youth sailing. Class Organisations have chosen these […]
Info via: DYR Inschrijven via: Manage2Sail
Selectie voor EK/WK en KP. Info via: United4Sailing Inschrijven via: Manage2Sail
Selectie event voor KP/JP 2021-2022 Website http://www.united4sailing.org Inschrijven via: http://www.manage2sail.com/nl
Open Dutch Optimist Championship Informatie via: https://dutchyouthregatta.org Inschrijven via: https://www.manage2sail.com/nl
Selectie event voor Optimist WK/EK 2021 & KP/JP 2021-2022 Website U4: www.united4sailing.org Inschrijven via: www.manage2sail.com/nl
Eerste selectie weekend voor KP/JP & EK.